GitOps is a DevOps approach to software delivery and infrastructure management that uses Git as a single source of truth for defining and automating your infrastructure and application delivery. The key idea behind GitOps is to treat infrastructure and application configurations as code and use Git to version, track, and manage changes to those configurations. In GitOps, infrastructure and application configurations are stored in a Git repository and changes to those configurations are made using pull requests and code reviews. When changes are merged into the Git repository, the changes are automatically deployed to the production environment using tools such as Kubernetes, Terraform, or Ansible.
By using GitOps, organizations can achieve several benefits, including:
Improved collaboration and transparency: GitOps allows teams to collaborate on infrastructure and application changes using the same tools and processes used for code development.
Improved consistency and reliability: By using Git as a single source of truth for infrastructure and application configurations, GitOps helps to ensure that the production environment matches the desired state defined in the Git repository.
Improved security: GitOps helps to ensure that changes to infrastructure and applications are made in a controlled and auditable manner, reducing the risk of configuration drift and unintended changes.
Improved speed and efficiency: By automating the deployment process using GitOps, organizations can reduce the time and effort required to deploy changes, enabling faster and more efficient software delivery.
Overall, GitOps is a DevOps approach that leverages the power of Git to manage and automate infrastructure and application delivery, providing organizations with a more consistent, secure, and efficient way to deliver software.